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Class Overviews

Our curriculum covers the National Curriculum and is organised into topic led learning journeys.


Children receive daily English and Mathematics lessons although these are often linked to their topic work. Some subjects are taught discreetly due to the nature of the content. These include subjects such as Music, PE, RE and Computing.  


Other subjects are taught alongside each other through a theme or topic. Subjects such as History, Geography, Art, Design & Technology and Science lend themselves well to this approach. These subjects are taught in depth during the topic. The school ensures that over the academic year all pupils receive a balanced curriculum which meets the requirements laid down in the National Curriculum. Our Curriculum Overview for all foundation subjects can be found here for all classes for Years A and B.



Click here to find what we teach for each subject.


If you'd like to know anymore about your child's curriculum, please talk to your child's class teacher and also click on the classes below to find out more about our learning for each term over the two year cycle. 


Tigers Class

Meerkats Class Year A and Year B Overviews

Kangaroos Class Year A and Year B Overviews

Penguins Class  Year A and Year B Overviews

Huskies Class  Year A and Year B Overviews


To read our Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) policy follow this link and it's part of the broader PSHE policy. We follow Jigsaw's mindful approach to PSHE. Click each link to  find the skills and knowledge progression documents for what is taught in Relationships and Changing Me.

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