The Sidlesham PTA are very active and supportive of the school, holding a number of fund raising events throughout the year. If you would like to help please contact the school office.
The Sidlesham PTA are very active and supportive of the school, holding a number of fund raising events throughout the year. If you would like to help please contact the school office.
Ethos and Values
Ethos and Values
What's Going On?
Our school is currently closed to the majority of pupils in an effort to minimise the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19.
During this period of partial closure this school site continues to be open for provision for vulnerable pupils and children of critical workers. Irrespective of any partial closure, the safeguarding of all our children remains our top priority. At this time, our school will continue as normal, with some curriculum changes, in supporting our vulnerable children and if anyone has any questions regarding this they are asked to make contact with James Blake-Lobb at Please contact the school if you have any queries.
Due to the temporary school closure, we have made provision for all our children to continue their learning from home.
Our 'remote education provision: information for parents' document can be viewed by clicking this link. This explains for parents how Sidlesham is providing support for the learning of its pupils from home.