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Sidlesham Primary School

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The little school where big things happen



Sophia Koiston

It is a privilege to welcome you to our school website and introduce myself. My name is Mrs Koiston and I am the very proud Headteacher of Sidlesham Primary School, 'the little school where big things happen'.

Our website aims to provide you with key information about our school, our staff team, our vision, values and ethos as well as our place in the local and wider community.

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Sidlesham Primary School

Sidlesham Primary School Image


  • Pupils take full advantage of the broad enrichment offer that the school provides alongside the academic curriculum. Many enjoy attending sports clubs or learning an instrument. ‘Forest Fridays’ are a highlight, where pupils value learning about the environment. Pupils develop a strong sense of responsibility through leadership roles, including school councillors, house captains and school librarians.
  • Pupils and their parents enjoy being part of this tight-knit community. Pupils love their school, feeling safe and very well cared for by staff. Strong relationships exist between pupils across year groups. At break times, pupils socialise widely, including others in their games. Pupils behave well and are polite and respectful.
  • Leaders are are highly ambitious for what pupils can and should achieve. Diversity is valued with one pupil summing this up by saying, ‘At Sidlesham we take differences as positives. It would be boring if we were just the same.’ The school’s chosen phonics scheme sets out clearly the sounds and words that pupils need to learn over time. Staff have the expertise to teach this effectively, providing many opportunities for pupils to recap previous learning.
  • Kindness
  • Courage
  • Ambition
  • Respect
  • Enthusiasm

Open Days

Tuesday 8th October

Thursday 17th October

Wednesday 23rd October

Tours available at 10am and 2pm

Please call to book or pop in at those times. We can also make appointments at other times if these are not convenient.