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Sidlesham Primary School

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We encourage smartness and cleanliness in school and we are grateful to all our parents who support us by sending their children in the compulsory uniform.



You can purchase our branded school uniform from Game, Set and Match - Beaver Trade Park, Quarry Lane, Chichester, PO19 8NY, or directly from the school.

Other items can be purchased from supermarkets or similar high street retailers.

The PTA holds second hand uniform sales in the playground throughout the year.

Long hair should be tied up in a hair band.

Fancy headbands e.g. ears etc, should not be worn.

Jewellery is not allowed except very small stud earrings in pierced ears.  These must be removed for PE or covered with tape.

Makeup and nail varnish are not allowed.

It is essential that all items of clothing (especially sweatshirts) are clearly named.