Pupil Leadership
We believe the best schools have a pupil led culture, where children take on key leadership roles and get their voice heard. We whole-heartedly champion and value the work of our pupil leaders, using it to shape the teaching and learning that happens in our school. We shine the torch on the personal development of all our children by moulding leaders of the future, ready for work, ready for the world. We strive to craft confident and articulate leaders who can share their views to any audience and apply their leadership skills to real life situations.
Pupil Leadership at Sidlesham enables children to experience leadership within the school, ensuring that their voices and opinions are heard.
At Sidlesham Primary School, we actively encourage children to challenge, discuss and debate issues which are important to them. Our children feel safe to share their opinions and viewpoints. This is gathered through pupil voice surveys, learning walks and school council meetings. The feedback our leadership team receive from their peers is discussed at regular leadership team meetings and then acted upon accordingly.
Pupil Leadership at Sidlesham is driven by a shared understanding that when the learning and experiences are meaningful to the children, they are able to thrive.
"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader."
Simon Sinek
School Council
Each class has two school councillors voted for by the class teacher and pupils. Their role includes listening to any concerns their classmates have about school life or any ideas they have for improving or developing life at Sidlesham. They also work closely with our Personal Development Lead in running the Superkind programme in school. This involves organising events, fundraising or whole school initiatives to change our behaviour in order to make an impact in our community. They meet regularly to discuss these issues and share feedback to the wider school community in assemblies.
House Captains
Each house has two house captains voted for by the pupils and house leader. Any children from Years 5 or 6 are eligible to take on this role. They support the house leader in organising and running house events successfully. As well as supporting and caring for the other members of the house helping to model our school values at all times. They are integral to the success of house events such as our quizzes, Sports Day and other house activities. They are also responsible for collecting and collating their houses' dojo point totals at the end of each half term.
Head Pupils
There are two Head Pupils at Sidlesham. Their role is to support the Headteacher with promoting the school, modelling our school values and being a role model to all of the pupils in the school. They show visitors around the school, explaining the way we are organised, answering any questions the visitors have and clearly articulating our school vision and values.